Camera Lucida
We never have pure space in front of us,
not for a single day,
such as flowers open endlessly into.
Always there is world, ...
- Rilke "The Eighth Elegy"
- Roland Barthes "Camera Lucida"
not for a single day,
such as flowers open endlessly into.
Always there is world, ...
- Rilke "The Eighth Elegy"
So I resolved to start my inquiry with no more than a few photographs, the onece I was sure existed for me. Nothing to do with a corpus: only some bodies.
- Roland Barthes "Camera Lucida"

Camera Lucida▷
Camera Lucida instalation / 2010
26 -14 June 2010
Camera Lucida▷
Camera Lucida
26 -14 June 2010
Exhibition View▷
Camera Lucida▷